On The Fence
The idea of this short film unleashed on social networks - where I was looking for pictures of pets that were killed by coyotes - extreme reactions. Some users began to give their opinion on the question of the coyotes, positioning themselves as the owners of the truth and in a very aggressive way. In some situations, I followed the debate to see how far people's reactions would go. When I reported that I was not interested in discussing the subject, nor looking for suggestions for the script of the film, but only in honoring the pets, I had my post summarily deleted from the pages of two communities.
I think it is interesting and fruitful to see the number of wildlife defenders increasing and how passionate they are for the cause. I am a great advocate of animals in general, and I believe it is an injustice the abuse that humans often perpetrate against them, be they wild or domestic animals.
This film does not advocate the extermination of coyotes.
It seeks to bring attention to what has been called the “coyote issue”: the increase in the population of urban coyotes and their displacement to residential regions, with a substantial change in their nocturnal habit behavior, for example.
Coyotes have been seen more frequently during the day, the number of attacks on small pets has increased (including during the day), and on large dogs and/or dogs on leashes have begun. Finally, we’ve been witnessing assaults on children in the last few months.
The real desire to protect animals - wild or domestic - demands the facts to be addressed and faced, without negative or use of expressions of the type: “it has always been so”.
Deny attacks on children, change the pattern of attacks or assign responsibility for caring for pets and children to adults, are not the right way to work for coyotes. Besides being authoritarian and hurting all the principles of democracy.
Thus, although denial is a fairly common psychological state in trauma and stress situations, it is vital that the issue is addressed and discussed.
This is an extremely complex matter - as it usually is when we talk about the law (although perhaps many people have not yet realized this ...)
Although Manichaeism and duality are the most common forms of human thinking in situations that demand a critical positioning, the truth is that 1 + 1 = 2 mathematical reasoning, unfortunately, does not apply as a model for real-life situations.
The defenders of the wildlife usually debate with those who do not think that we are supposed to love and protect animals, leaving them as an inheritance for future generations. There is a great concern not only with the protection of life and rights of reproduction but also with the teaching of promoting coexistence.
But it is not reasonable for animal lovers to despise domestic animals. That’s the reason that we conclude that the complexity of the question was lost. When the negativity was overcome ("there is no coyote issue”, “they have always been there”, “it has always been this way”), a simplistic and unfair solution is given to domestic animals and their owners (owners are considered responsible for having their pets attacked by coyotes (a) or because they have pets (b ) or because they allowed their pets to come out of the house - even for brief minutes to the bathroom). The situation of the attack on children is not addressed.
As someone who has always loved animals, I can not accept this. And, as others do, I do not think it is fair that humans and their pets become prisoners in their homes. The wildlife has the right to physical integrity, so do domestic animals and human.
The solution? I would like to have a ready and definitive answer. I do not.
I am clear that in a democratic society this is the moment of meetings in towns that are affected by problems such as this. In this meetings, the citizens should have the possibility to build solutions. Meetings in which the problem is faced head-on without any ready solutions or answers that the responsible institutions will do nothing about it.
The taxes that we pay are high. And they should guarantee protection for us and our properties.
Coyotes must be respected. But humans and their pets also have this right.
We are on the fence. We must make decisions. We must guarantee the life (for all, not only the wildlife) and protect who we love before attacks on humans become more frequent and vicious.
Something MUST be done.